Wisconsin Lemon Law and Lemon Law Lawyers

With a lemon law you are dealing with a class of warranty law that covers new cars when they have defects that have not been corrected.  It is a little more complex then that and we will go into some of the particulars of lemon law in Wisconsin as explained to us by one of the top lemon law lawyers in Wisconsin.

First we want to lay out some basics.  You should always consult an attorney if you feel you have a claim.  Lemon law and warranty law in general can change.  It is also important that any readers that feel they may have a "lemon" of a car should continue to read and ensure that they have all the issues we discuss below.  A problem with your vehicle does not automatically make it a lemon and lemon law lawyers in Wisconsin, even the best of the best, will require more then just a upset client.  Lemon law has certain requirements that have to be met for any attorneys to move forward with a case.  That being said, beyond this article, you should always feel free to contact some of the lemon law lawyers we mention here in Wisconsin and see if any of them feel your case has merit.  Now that this is out of the way, lets get to discussing what has to be done to determine if you have a lemon and some of the aspects of the law you should be most aware of.  Always feel free to read the full Wisconsin Lemon Law.

First let us digest what some of the most basic things that have to be met for the lemon law in Wisconsin.  The most notable is the car has to be a new vehicle.  Secondly the dealership have had to attempt to of remedy or fixed the same problem a total of 4 times.  If they haven't or wont even attempt to fix it at all that should be brought to the attention of an attorney specializing in Lemon Law.  Another common factor that should be met is the duration your car has been at the dealership for repairs.  The most common understand of the law shows that the law shows that it should be in service repair for more then 30 days in a calendar year.  Finally have you had a serious defect that you presented to your dealership that continues to persist.  These are just a few of the things that lemon law lawyers in Wisconsin will ask you when you want to file a complaint.

We will continue to update you on great information about lemon law in Wisconsin.  In our next blog posts you will learn how they file a lemon law claim and what are some of the remedies you can get under the current State Law.  


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