
Wisconsin's Best Lemon Law Lawyers

  Have you ever purchased a vehicle that has broken down and been left stranded on the side of the road? If so, then you know how frustrating it can be to find a lemon law lawyer in Wisconsin. We know your pain! That is why we have compiled this list of some of the best lemon law lawyers in Wisconsin . Choose one from this list and get back up on the road again! First we want to explain what lemon law is. Lemon law is a legal term that refers to laws in most U.S. states that protect consumers from lemons, or products which may not be safe for use because of poor quality and/or defects in manufacturing. Lemon laws are the result of legislation passed by State legislatures or Congress. There is also a Wisconsin lemon law, that protects consumers from defective new and used vehicles. The Wisconsin Lemon Law applies to new and used vehicles. The state law provides consumers with protections against defectively manufactured or designed motor vehicles, as well as those who have been repair

Lemon Law Lawyers: Helping Milwaukee Wisconsin

  Milwaukee, WI Lemon Law Lawyers offer help with the law and legal rights when it comes to buying a new car. You may feel like you are stuck in this situation where you have no idea what to do about your lemon vehicle or what your rights are as a consumer. Our experienced lawyers can provide assistance with navigating the process of purchasing a new vehicle and negotiating on behalf of consumers who have been wronged by manufacturers. Call now for more information! If you have a lemon, we can help! Milwaukee WI Lemon Law Lawyers offer help with the law and legal rights when it comes to buying a new car. You may feel like you are stuck in this situation where you have no idea what to do about your lemon vehicle or what your rights are as a consumer. Our experienced lawyers can provide you with assistance with navigating the process of purchasing a new vehicle and negotiating on behalf of consumers who have been wronged by manufacturers. Warrant laws protect consumers by giving them the

Eau Claire Wisconsin Gain Top Lemon Law Lawyer

 With Eau Claire being a growing city in Wisconsin it is attracting a lot of great talent.  One person that everyone who has ever bought a bad vehicle sometimes called a "lemon" will like is the additional services provided to residents by Attorney Terry Polich.  As a leading consumer advocate in virtue of being one the State of Wisconsin's top lemon law lawyers, he is providing people with help where they need it most. A vehicle has become one of the largest purchases most American's ever make.  As property values continue to rise in Eau Claire pricing out a lot of Eau Claire residents, the biggest purchase is definitely their car.  For many people living in the area the purchase of a expensive brand new car or truck is an exciting albeit stressful venture.  Many people still think of car dealers as people who might be trying to one up them.  Because of this many people are scared of their first purchase and vehicle pricing is nothing to scoff at any longer with the

Milwaukee Lemon Law Lawyers Work for Consumers

A car has always been a major expense to any family but in recent years the costs of new car ownership has dramatically increased.  Although they come with a lot more bells and whistles for the money, this also allows for most things to go wrong.  We are a long ways away from the days of dad and son popping the hood and looking at what is wrong with the car.  Today, vehicles need to be hooked up to expensive computers and in many cases even the car dealership has problems having the correct equipment to fix a vehicle.  These new cars are also more expensive then ever with the average vehicle purchased in Milwaukee costing around $32,000.  With many vehicles being purchased costing well over $60,000.  With financing and extended warranty and winter matts to get through Milwaukee's frigid and wet winters, everything can add up even more.  This poses the question, what do residents of Milwaukee do if their new car keeps breaking down or just doesn't work the way the manufacturer a

Why do you need a Lawyer in Wisconsin for Lemon Laws

 Who are you going to call when you need to find a lemon law lawyer in Wisconsin.  That was the question I was asked this weekend.  Well its not a easy question to answer.  It involves evaluating a number of attorneys and determining what they specialize in, charge, and how fast they think they can effectively remedy your situation.  Wouldn't you agree? This made me want to dive deeper in what is lemon law in Wisconsin and who the the top lemon law lawyers that work in Wisconsin.  Although we found a number of lemon law firms, many were out of State.  This made us decide to not count on them.  They may have means to file documents but I have always been of the mindset that when I can buy local I do, and have always gotten better service with this philosophy.  That I think it true with lawyers too.  This makes us look to find out which litigators actually specialize as lemon law lawyers in Wisconsin.  There were two attorneys that stood out head and shoulders above the rest one bein

Top Lemon Law Lawyer for Milwaukee Wisconsin

With all the attorneys practicing law in and around Milwaukee Wisconsin, it was not easy for us to find the one we wanted to profile for this article.  Many large law firms exist in Milwaukee but few have attorneys on staff that specialize in lemon law in Wisconsin.  First let us explain what lemon law is.  In brief it is the warranty laws that govern the auto manufacturers and protect the consumer in Wisconsin when they have a new car that has had problems.  Now not all problems warrant calling a new vehicle a lemon.  In fact they have a lot of set parameters that we discussed in our last blog.  One of the most basic requirements is that you have had the car dealership in Wisconsin attempt to repair the same problem with your vehicle at least 4 times.  There are other points that you should look into but for that we really recommend reading the previous blog or contact a lemon law lawyer in Milwaukee who can also explain some of these facts to you. At the onset of this article we sta

Wisconsin Lemon Law and Lemon Law Lawyers

With a lemon law you are dealing with a class of warranty law that covers new cars when they have defects that have not been corrected.  It is a little more complex then that and we will go into some of the particulars of lemon law in Wisconsin as explained to us by one of the top lemon law lawyers in Wisconsin. First we want to lay out some basics.  You should always consult an attorney if you feel you have a claim.  Lemon law and warranty law in general can change.  It is also important that any readers that feel they may have a "lemon" of a car should continue to read and ensure that they have all the issues we discuss below.  A problem with your vehicle does not automatically make it a lemon and lemon law lawyers in Wisconsin, even the best of the best, will require more then just a upset client.  Lemon law has certain requirements that have to be met for any attorneys to move forward with a case.  That being said, beyond this article, you should always feel free to conta