
Showing posts from December, 2020

Milwaukee Lemon Law Lawyers Work for Consumers

A car has always been a major expense to any family but in recent years the costs of new car ownership has dramatically increased.  Although they come with a lot more bells and whistles for the money, this also allows for most things to go wrong.  We are a long ways away from the days of dad and son popping the hood and looking at what is wrong with the car.  Today, vehicles need to be hooked up to expensive computers and in many cases even the car dealership has problems having the correct equipment to fix a vehicle.  These new cars are also more expensive then ever with the average vehicle purchased in Milwaukee costing around $32,000.  With many vehicles being purchased costing well over $60,000.  With financing and extended warranty and winter matts to get through Milwaukee's frigid and wet winters, everything can add up even more.  This poses the question, what do residents of Milwaukee do if their new car keeps breaking down or just doesn't work the way the manufacturer a